Spread the Gospel.
Build a Community.
Multiply Disciples.
In and through Your Home.
(1KH = 1000 Houses)
We believe that a house is first and foremost a forward operating outpost of the Kingdom. 1KH exists to help your home become 1 of 1000 disciple-making houses in your city. The key to transforming a home from a center for consumption to a base of mission can be summed up in a single word - COACHING.
You need someone who has travelled the road you're facing to show you the way, help you avoid pitfalls, and equip you to navigate expected roadblocks. And that’s what we do at 1KH. We coach couples, families and singles through the steps that transform their home into a place where not-yet believers become disciple-makers.
Subscribe to 1KH NewsletterOUR APPROACH:
Coaching Intensives
Content + Coaching = Real Traction For Your Household
Each intensive is a 6-12 month process.
And it’s not easy. We’ve drifted away from the Bible’s original blueprint. We believe like Chesterton that:
“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.”
The way back requires work. But with God’s help our homes can become a launching place for the mission of God.
Click Here To Get StartedCurrent Intensives

Discover a process for sharing the Gospel that works where you live and can fit into your already full life.

Embark on a journey to discover how to turn your home into a hub for kingdom relationships.
maybe you can relate...
You hear an amazing speaker deliver a message that seems like it was sent straight to YOUR heart from God.
It convicts you, it inspires you, and in that moment, you're committed to living out the challenge given at the end of the message.
You leave the room ready to ACT.
But then...
You pick up your kids from childcare- time to figure out lunch....
Monday shows up again. You remember that action step from yesterday, but you don't quite know how to live it out in your unique context.
You reach out to the speaker for help, but they suggest a 6 week course on Tuesday nights... Same night as soccer practice...
There is no one to help you fight distraction, pray, or create strategies. No one to listen to your unique challenges as you try to act on what you heard.
Discouragement sets in. You start to wonder how anyone lives this missional stuff out.
But your desire is there. You and your spouse want to see real kingdom movement in and through your family, but there's no time, and seemingly no real help.
It feels like the only options are to sell it all and become a foreign missionary or to just... keep doing what you're doing.
Before you realize it a week has past, another great message delivered, and another challenge staring you in the face.
You so deeply want to see the love of Jesus experienced by your co-workers, neighbors, and family members, and can't help but think, "there's got to be more than this."
There is.
Get Coaching